Christmas in...August

I know the saying is usually Christmas in July, but July completely got away from me. As a small business owner, the end of summer means preparation for the holidays and ordering Christmas inventory! I’m not going to spill all the details but for the last few weeks, I’ve been working on our Christmas inventory and products, and it’s got me SUPER excited! We’re talking all things red, green, Christmas plaid, comfy and cute! We’ve got some fun things coming and I just had to share the news! I’ve been finalizing some finishing details so that our manufacturer can start cutting and sewing dresses. They should arrive on my doorstep in the next few months! (fingers crossed for October!) I know it’s only August, but as a small business owner, you always have to be thinking and planning ahead.


So I guess what I’m trying to say is….stick around! We’ve got the cutest stuff coming and who doesn’t love matching Christmas jammies?! And who knows, maybe I’ll sneak peek some of our cute prints!

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