Small businesses aren't for the faint of heart

You can say that again. Running a small business isn't for the faint of heart. Something is always happening.


Can I also say, that writing these blog posts are kind of therapeutic. It's nice to word dump a bunch of thoughts down. Maybe I should journal more often!


For the last few weeks, I've been knee deep in spring designs for our nightgowns. I also found out that my manufacturer is closing later this year, and that's thrown a wrench into things. I've been picking colors, ordering fabric, and coordinating with my design team. It takes almost a year from start to finish to design one collection. We've got big things in the works for this year and are trying to iron out the details of doing things a little differently as far as launching new products go.


On top of this...we had a KILLER warehouse sale last month and you ladies kept me busy! We quite literally cleared the racks and I was busy for a solid week packaging and shipping orders. It was a great problem to have but added to the chaos. 


Bottom line...if you think running a small business is easy. Think again! It is worth it MILLION percent YES! 

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